Development Team
Max Ogden
Programmer based in Portland, OR. Max works on or has worked on things like CSVConf, Code for America, JavaScript for Cats, and Voxel.js.
Mathias Buus
Programmer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Co-creator of and co-founder of open mouth, open source.
Karissa McKelvey
Programmer and data scientist based in Oakland, CA. Former academic experienced in building interactive data visualization and collaboration tools.
Julian Gruber
Programmer traveling the world. Contributor to projects like Node.js and LevelDB. Has a strong drive to rid humanity of redundant work and empower everyone to think big.
Lauren Garcia
Code monkey based in San Francisco. Using the internet to level the playing field for others. Creator of Open web enthusiast.
Chia-liang Kao
Developer and civic hacker based in Taipei, Taiwan. Co-founder of
Joe Hand
Programmer and open data enthusiast based in Portland, OR. Joe previously built tools for communities in informal settlements worldwide to collect data.
Kristina Schneider
Designer based in Berlin, Germany. Kriesse organizes community events like CSSconf EU, CSSclasses and
Kristen Ratan
Co-Founder of the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation, a nonprofit with a mission to evolve how knowledge is created, produced, and shared.
Waldo Jaquith
Director of U.S. Open Data and a Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow.
Richard Smith-Unna
A biologist, hacker, and PhD student in Plant Sciences in the Hibberd Lab at the University of Cambridge. A Mozilla Fellow for Science for 2015-16.
Kaitlin Thaney
Director, Mozilla Science Lab (@MozillaScience). Using data for good at @datakindUK, frequent flyer, and other general geekery.